Incredible ads!

Bunch of cute little you-don’t-know-whats frolicking around and promoting Vodafone – Zoo Zoo’s as we affectionately call them. Nice ad, cute ad.. certainly a treat to the eyes during breaks..! I remember when these ads were on air and I used to visit my sister’s place, all I could catch on the television was cricket and zoo zoos! My bro-in-law would watch cricket and my niece wouldn’t let anyone touch the remote during the breaks lest she misses the cute little ..umm, I still don’t know what they are. :D

A lot of ads do seem to get their message across and persuade (cough fool) people to buy their products – some useful, some not-so-useful. I am sure half the girls in our country have tried Fair & Lovely and the likes at some point in their life to realize(or not) that creams don’t make you fair! One of my friends has been using it for the past god knows how many years and still using…….really amazed at her patience and stupidity!!!

Why am I suddenly writing about ads you ask? Well these days I am hooked onto this soap ad featuring Mrs. & Mr. Bachchan. Beautiful! Not the lady (yeah yeah, she is beautiful :P) but am talking about the ad here. It is a pretty regular ad but something in this ad (really can’t figure out what) reaches out to you. Is it the chemistry between the husband and wife, or the song or just her beauty – I have no clue. I may not watch television, but I come running into the room when I hear this one, just as my niece (and me :D) used to come running to catch a glimpse of zoo-zoos!

Advertising world, keep up the good work and keep drilling holes in my pocket! :P (who said I am not one of those who has been fooled ;) NOT fair & lovely!! The market is full of other crazy believable products )

Mind you, though I’ve loved both the above mentioned ads, they still haven’t convinced me to buy either! Sorry Vodafone and Lux!! :D