
Hope this year brings joys, happiness, health, success and yes, the strength to face the tough times. I can't say let the tough times not be there (that would mean living in a dreamland :) ), after all isn't it the tough times that make you appreciate the beauty of the good? or is it just another one of those wise sayings? :D

Every year brings it’s share of joys and sorrows, highs and lows… for me, despite 2009 being a quiet year, it couldn’t have been more noisy! Contradicting myself, am I? J

Well, let’s just say I was a duck; appeared to the outer world as calm and serene, was infact paddling furiously within. Some thought processes were known to some around me, some were hidden and known to me alone. Though the thoughts were dime a dozen, most of them didn’t make any sense at a latter stage when reflected back upon and some of them still continue to endure. The mind is a strange thing, never gets tired of thinking, does it? My friend had once told me a scientific fact that there’s not a single second when the brain is not at work and I didn’t believe her. Today, I couldn’t agree with her more.

Nevertheless, hope the thoughts manifest into actions this year and bring with it the sweet fruits of success and joy!




  1. Happy new yr too...dnt evr let ur brain to stop working ...thts show the sign of human being :)

  2. @shital - haha.. thanks sweetheart! we human beings r a cocktail of emotions.. we'll never stop thinking! ;)
