Parenting, meet the flu.. Flu, meet Parenting 🤝

Its been a long long time since I wrote a blog here. Do people even blog anymore? No matter how many video apps take over the planet (read Insta, tik-toks and youtube), the charm of reading never goes away, does it? Not for book lovers and readers like me.

When I decided to pen down my gazillion thoughts, it took me a good 10mins to recall my long lost blog's name. For a moment I thought Google had deleted it! And there went my hopes of showing blogs from my youth to my kid decades from today or even my grandchildren (will the next generation's kids even have kids? 🤔). But lo and behold, there it was, tucked away somewhere gathering years of dust. It took me another 20minutes to relive my younger 20's self through my old blogs - which also made me realise that all my philosophy and wisdom comes only with temperatures running high.

So this is yet another blog written with a fever of 101 degrees at 1 am in the night and too many delirious thoughts swimming in my head. To keep my own sanity and to ruin yours, here's some food for thought.

Parenting -  Good? Bad? Ugly? Lovely? Best thing in the world? Most exhausting job in the world? Jury's still not out on that one

I've been down with the flu for almost 5 days now.  Yes - not my kid, but me. I am the one down with flu.

What does a normal person (read non-parent) do when they catch the flu? Snuggle up in a cozy bed? Wake up a late? Get lots of adrak-chais and soups (rum for some?) and go back to bed?

What does a parent do? Force yourself out of the warm snuggly bed in the wee hours of morning, put extra efforts to get your kid ready for school, make him brekkie, pack him off to school - you DARE NOT miss this step. Because sir - if you don't, there goes your chance of resting even a little while your kid's away at school. Not to mention there'll be double penalty for you as you will have to find entertaining activities to keep him occupied at home. Also not to mention how he will miss all his friends and fun at school. 

Double. Trouble.

Ok so I forgot to mention - his most favorite person in the world (that never includes the parents, does it?) - grandma is also down with the flu running an even higher temperature than the mother. So its all hell break lose once the kiddo is back from school and can't play with his most favorite person. There's some level of drama and some level of wisdom going in circles from the toddler. As a sick parent, you are already frustrated .. at some point you'll even lose your cool but soon you'll realize what's the poor kid's fault? So you don your most understanding and loving self. What follows is a truck loads of hugs and kisses and then its all well - at least for a while. 

You might ask at this point - where's the dad? Dad is the superhero at this point -  already looking after 3 sick people at home + entertaining the kid.

My most favorite part of parenting and I know its all worth it when ...

Your kid comes back from the park and gets you a flower, gives you a million hugs and kisses and strokes your hair until you fall asleep because he wants mamma to get well soon 😊

Did your kid just turn into your parent? :)

Parenting - its all worth it! Isn't it? 🌻

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